Tattoo Removal - FAQ
Leading dermatologists and plastic surgeons regard laser as the superior method for tattoo removal.
How does the laser treatment work?
Tattoo's stay under the skin as the ink particles are too large for the body's immune system to remove. The laser passes a short pulse of high energy light though the skin which breaks up the ink particles. The body's immune system is then able to remove the ink particles naturally. This is a gradual process and several treatments will be needed.Does it hurt?
The treatment is uncomfortable. A popular description is it like being pinged with an elastic band. During treatment with the laser the area is cooled, this minimises any discomfort and a cold compress is applied afterwards.How much does it cost?
The cost of each session depends on the size and colour of the tattoo. Prices start from £35 per session. Please feel free to come in and we will be able to give you a price per session once we have seen your tattoo.How many sessions will be required?
This is dependent on the actual tattoo and whether you wish to completely remove it or just dull it down to enable a successful cover-up. Tattoos that are old and faded will be much easier and quicker to remove than a newer black or multi-coloured tattoo. Sessions are spaced between 6 and 8 weeks apart - but can be left longer.Can any tattoo be removed?
Unfortunately complete removal can never be guaranteed. Some colours are harder to remove than others and we will be able discuss the expected outcome during the initial consultation with you.How long does a session take?
Treatment sessions can take from 5 minutes to 45 minutes depending on the size of the tattoo.Are there any after-affects to the laser treatment?
Redness and swelling may occur, similar to sunburn. This settles within a few days. Depending on the laser used there can also be some bleeding. Some patients may blister, which is quite normal. Blistering does not require treatment and will usually clear within days. You will receive written aftercare following your treatment. The treated area should not be exposed to strong sunlight or any tanning machines between sessions without the use of complete sunblock (SPF 50).
Does the laser treatment leave any scars?
Generally speaking, lasering does not cause scarring and the active Q switched laser which we use is designed with this in mind. It is important that the aftercare is followed and this will be explained to the client. Sometimes the original tattoo will have caused scar tissue which will become noticeable when the tattoo pigment is removed and we can advise as to this situation prior to removal. There is normally no lasting damage to the skin. Occasionally, mild changes in skin texture and colour may occur. There can be a change in pigment colour which usually returns to normal after 6 - 12 months.
Is everyone suitable for laser treatment?
No. There are some medical conditions that mean you may not be treated. For example if you have ever had any gold medications/injections, have lupus disease (incurable immune system illness), are currently pregnant or use / have used St Johns Wort, Roaccutane or Retin A. If you have any medical conditions or use any medications (prescribed or not) please phone us for further advice.
A full consultation will be undertaken before any laser treatment and we will be able to discuss any concerns you have.
Do I need an appointment?
Appointments are best to avoid disappointment.
A consultation and test patch is required for all new tattoos.
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